Applies to: Everyone
You should change the password to your profile often. To change the password to your profile follow the instructions below.
  • Click your profile picture at the top right and then click My Profile
  • My PROFILE page will be displayed.
  • Click the Change Password tab at the bottom left of the page
  • The CHANGE PASSWORD page will be displayed.
  • The Username is shown by default
    • Enter your Old Password
    • Enter your New Password
    • Confirm your New Password
  • Your new password must be different from previously used passwords
  • The password requirements are:
    • Should contain at least a character
    • Should contain at least a number (0-9)
    • Should contain at least one Letter (a-z)
    • Should contain letters, numbers, or punctuation only [!@#$^&*()-=_]
  • Re-enter the password for confirmation.
Your password is updated.